Fix or kill automatically installed JavaScript?

This article was first published by Julie Marchant under the license CC BY-SA 4.0.

In Richard Stallman's essay, "The JavaScript Trap", it is pointed out that people run proprietary software which is silently, automatically installed into their browsers every day. In fact, he very much downplayed the problem; not only are most users running proprietary programs every day merely by browsing the Web, they are running dozens or even hundreds of such programs each day. The JavaScript Trap is very real and prolific; the Web is said to be so broken without these non-standard, usually proprietary extensions to HTML that Web browsers have moved toward not even offering an obvious option to disable JavaScript; disabling JavaScript, it is argued, will only cause confusion.

It's obvious that we need to solve this problem. However, in focusing on whether or not scripts are "trivial" or libre, Mr. Stallman misses a crucial point: this behavior of automatic, silent software installation is, itself, the main problem. That most of the software in question is proprietary is merely a side-effect.

Keep reading Fix or kill automatically installed JavaScript?

By completing a Google reCAPTCHA you are helping to kill

Google has recently partnered with the Pentagon to help it develop artificial intelligence. The project, called Maven, involves the development of a system to identify objects through drone imagery.

This means that Google's power over people around the world will be used by the US empire for its dark interests. Now completing a Google reCAPTCHA not only involves ethical dangers related to economic exploitation and the use of proprietary software, but also close collaboration in the murder of human beings. Deaths that seem dehumanised, but in the end it is unconscious (and conscious) people who train machines to kill.

Disable JavaScript easily in Firefox and derivatives

Given the "trap" that supposes the presense of JavaScript on the web, we could be executing proprietary software without realising. This software can compromise our privacy or do tasks that we don't want. Maybe we don't want to run JavaScript because we're testing how a page functions without JavaScript during the creation of a website.

Keep reading Disable JavaScript easily in Firefox and derivatives

How does Google exploits with CAPTCHAs

A CAPTCHA is a test used to distinguish between humans and computers. It's mainly used to avoid spam.

One program that makes this test is reCAPTCHA, which was published on 27 May 2007, and acquired by Google Keep reading How does Google exploits with CAPTCHAs