DuckDuckGo censors “Russian disinformation”

DuckDuckGo’s CEO said on Twitter:

Like so many others I am sickened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the gigantic humanitarian crisis it continues to create. #StandWithUkraine️

At DuckDuckGo, we've been rolling out search updates that down-rank sites associated with Russian disinformation.

This decision is problematic for many users who want to decide by themselves what is misinformation and what is not. That’s the reason why many people unhappy with DuckDuckGo’s decision who are also privacy and free software advocates now recommend using search engines like Brave Seach and Searx.

Super bubble: technological, economic and social change?

There is a super bubble about to burst: housing prices have gone through the roof, stocks are way overvalued, food is more expensive, the price of oil has skyrocketed. What will happen when the bubble bursts?

Some say industrial society is collapsing; others think there will soon be a depression. To orient the system towards endless economic growth when we live on a planet with limited resources is absurd. Yet the capitalist system depends on this growth to stay afloat. Some propose colonising space to prevent the collapse of capitalism.

In the short term, poverty will increase. Those without wealth-generating property (assets) will have to sell their labour power at a lower price (that’s if they can find a job when unemployment rises further), steal or rely on handouts. Those who have capital or property on which to grow food, access to clean water and housing have it easier. Could this be an opportunity in the long run to foster other kinds of values?

Rising temperatures have already triggered feedback loops that lead to further temperature increases (which are increasing extreme weather events, sea levels, desertification, etc.). For example, as the poles melt, less solar radiation is reflected, so temperatures rise; as the ice cap dissolves, methane (a greenhouse gas) is released into the atmosphere; as forests and coral reefs disappear, less CO2 is absorbed.

There are technologies that favour the accumulation of capital in a few hands and entail enormous energy costs, and there are decentralised, free and efficient technologies. The problems we have are far from being solely technological, but technology is adding to them. Will the bursting of the super bubble lead to technological, economic and social change?

Nothing lasts forever.

Image Coit Tower fresco - the stock crash by Zac Appleton.

Video game Super Bombinhas

The main characters of this platform game are living bombs. Bomba Azul is the only bomb who wasn't captured by the evil Gaxlon. You must save the other bombs and the king Aldan. Each bomb has a special ability: Bomba Amarela can quickly run and jump higher than the others, Bomba Verde can explode, the king Aldan can stop time, etc. After saving a bomb, you can change to it during the adventure.

In the game there are 7 very different regions. Each of them has a final boss. You must wisely use every bomb to advance.

The game also has a level editor to create new levels.

Game editor

Because a picture is worth a thousand words, I show you a short video below:

Keep reading Video game Super Bombinhas

YouTube with privacy: with Invidious

As it is already well known, Youtube isn't free software and it doesn't respects your privacy, but unfortunately some videos are only found there. In this article I present you Invidious, a simple way to watch YouTube videos without executing proprietary software from Google.

Invidious is a free and lightweight interface for YouTube that is made with software freedom in mind. These are some of its features:

  • No ads
  • It's free software, source code under the AGPLv3 license
  • It has a search engine
  • Doesn't need a Google account to save subscriptions
  • Supports captions
  • Very customizable
  • Allows embedding videos from Invidious in your page, like the following...
Keep reading YouTube with privacy: with Invidious

Check Instagram with privacy and free software

Instagram is a centralized social network that requires the use of proprietary software. It's almost impossible to use Instagram without giving up your privacy or freedom... unless we use another front-end, such as Bibliogram, which I describe in this article.

Bibliogram allows consulting user profiles, posts and IGTV videos in a simple way. In the home page, there are search forms for both posts and users.

Keep reading Check Instagram with privacy and free software